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Blog Posts from the IWA Archives
‘Sometimes Strikes are Sort of Like Some Wars’: Public Letters to Jack Munro During the 1985 Strike
Read the original article by Henry John Here

“’Give a Shantyboy Whisky and His Head Will Go ‘Round’: Liquor and Logging on the BC Coast
Read the original article by Kaden Walters Here

“‘Logging Was to Be Their Future:’ My Family, The Logging Industry, and the I.W.A. Archive”
Read the original article by Kaden Walters Here

“Part 2: Union Certification Challenged from Within”
Read the original article by John Mountain Here

“Part 1: Union Certification Challenged from Within”
Read the original article by John Mountain Here

“Records Belonging to Edna Brown, Leading Figure in the Women’s Labour Movement"
Read the original article by Henry John Here
“Rail Logging Comes to an End at Caycuse and Nitinat”
Read the original article by John Mountain Here
“Part 2: Interview with Harold Pritchett, Founding President of the IWA"
Read the original article by John Mountain Here

“Part 1: Interview with Harold Pritchett, Founding President of the IWA"
Read the original article by John Mountain Here

“Digging into History: IWA Ladies Auxiliary”
Read the original article by John Mountain Here
Woodworkers in Rain City: The Records of I.W.A. Local Union 1-217
Read the original article by Henry John Here

“Digging Into History: The Loggers Navy”
Read the original article by John Mountain Here
“Digging into History: An Interview with Early Union Activist Ernie Dalskog Part 3”
Read the original article by John Mountain Here
“Digging into History: Tony Poje and Duncan’s IWA Local Union 1-80”
Read the original article by John Mountain Here
The Loggers Strike Back! Three Times Forestry Workers Blockaded Environmentalists
Read the original article by Henry John Here
“Digging into History: An Interview with Early Union Activist Ernie Dalskog Part 2”
Read the original article by John Mountain Here
When a Woodworkers’ Union was at the Cutting Edge of Environmentalism
Read the original article by Henry John Here
“Digging into History: An Interview with Early Union Activist Ernie Dalskog Part 1”
Read the original article by John Mountain Here
“Digging into History: Health and Safety is a Basic Right!”
Read the original article by John Mountain Here
“Arrival: My Introduction to the IWA Collection”
Read the original article by Henry John Here
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