COVID-19 Safety Policy
Visiting Kaatza Station Museum
Health & Safety Protocols
By visiting the Museum, you and your party agree to be (in compliance) with the following statements:
You do not have any of the following symptoms:
New or worsening cough
Shortness of breath
New muscle aches or headache
Sore throat
Have not travelled outside of Canada within the last 14 days.
Are not in close contact of a person who tested positive for COVID-19
If a member of the party has a medical exemption for wearing a mask, this must be discussed with Museum management at least 24 hours in advance of your arrival. Discussions of this nature at the front desk will be refused entry.
Swearing, threats, or any act of violence will not be tolerated and will result in the cancellation of your visit. Anyone giving verbal abuse to Museum staff, volunteers, or visitors will be asked to leave the premises.
Contact tracing book available for signatures and phone numbers.
For Your Safety:
We are limiting numbers within the Museum.
Encouraging physical distancing with signage, and route markers.
Providing physical barriers such as a shield in customer service areas.
Providing substantial access to hand sanitizer.
Increasing cleaning and disinfecting throughout our facility.
Your hands must be sanitized before touching anything in the gift shop.
For Our Safety:
If you are feeling sick, or have any flu or cold like symptoms, please stay home.
Here is a link to the BC self-assessment tool: https://bc.thrive.health/
Stay home if you have:
Travelled outside of Canada within the last 14 days
Been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19
Are under a provincial/territorial or local health order.
Practice good hygiene
We have hand sanitizer available upon entering and exiting the museum.
Avoid touching your face.
Cough or sneeze into your elbow.
Always keep your family unit together throughout your visit with children within reach.
Maintain physical distance with 6 feet/2 metres away from others.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at:
Phone: 250-749-6142
Email: kaatzamuseum@shaw.ca